A theme in our issue 04/09 of Ett trykk, was shimmering backgrounds. I made a tutorial and a card (with my own background paper), using aquarellpaper, masks, glimmermist, stamps and ink.
Here's the card I ended up with ;)
Embellies: Papirloftet - Mulberry Flower, Wild Orchid Crafts - Roses and Rosebuds, Kort & Godt - Butterfly, Prima - Say it in Crystals, Organza Ribbon.
You'll need:
* Aquarellpaper (cut in squares in the size you'd like - mine are about 13,5 x 13,5 cm)
* Masks (I've used Heidi Schwapp's butterfly masks)
* Glimmermist (in different shades of colour - here I've used Iridisent Gold, Riptide, Juniper and a mix of all three),
Not in the picture:
* Stamps (I've used Stampendous - "Butterflies", and Stempelglede - "Grunge Collection" and "Happy Birthday")
* Ink (in a darker colour than the darkest glimmermist colour).
Start with spraying the lightest colour all over the paper.
Place the masks, and spray with the next colour.
Replace masks, and spray with a darker colour.
Replace the masks one last time, and spray with the darkest colour.
When you've got it dark enough, you'll see that you have a pattern in different shades of colour. Spray again all over the paper with the lightest colour, to get a real shimmering effect.
The glimmermist work is now finished.
Pick matching stamps, and stamp images/sentiments where you want it, to add a bit more depht to the background/card.

Here's my finished, shimmering background paper, ready to be mounted on white and turqouise cardstock ;)
♥ Thank you for visiting - have a beautiful day! ♥
Ski-treffet 16.-18. oktober
Nå er programmet for årets store høydare endelig klart - og som jeg gleder meg!!! Jippiiii!!! Ser fram til å treffe kjente, møte ukjente, skravle, le, kreere og bare slappe av og ha det gøy, en hel helg til ende! Kommer du???

Denne gangen har jeg igjen hoppet i det, og skal holde kurs - i resistteknikken!
Hva kurset innebærer, kan du lese litt om i teaseren under ;)
Mer om helgens program og alle de andre kursene, kan du lese mer om her! Ses vi da, eller?
♥ Takk for at du kikket innom - ha en super dag! ♥