Yeeehaaa! Today I'm celebrating my one year anniversary of blogging!
(og jada Maya, jeg kan høre du flirer helt hit *tjihi*)And boy, do I have a lot to celebrate ;)
In this past year I've made over 260 enclosures, I've got almost 38.000 visitors, and I've got almost a 150 followers!!! Yey!!! But the best of all, I've had one year of great fun; creating, publishing, reading comments, and last but not least - the pleasure to "meet" a whole lot of great people ♥
So, to thank all of you beautiful, generous and sweet blog-people out there, I'm now offering you a chance to win this candy:

This is what you can win:♥ 1 Illution Aquarellblock in size A5, 20 sheets, 180 gr from Panduro
♥ 1 "Homemade" Heartwarming Vintage Collection Pad from Crafty Secrets, with Images and Journal Notes
♥ 1 sheet of Peel-Off-Stickers - hearts - from Upikit
♥ 2 tubes of Panokitt Quick glue from Panduro (the best crafting glue ever ;)
♥ 1 sheet of Cherry Arte Impressions - Noteworthy clear stamps
♥ 1 package of 2 clearstamps from Autumn Leaves; "Manhatten - Journaling Stamps"
♥ 4 sheets of round Coffee Napkins, diameter 12 cm, from Hobbyglede
♥ 1 box of Chipboard from Splendid - Shapes and Tags, in the colours of red, white and black
♥ 1 box of black Mulberry Flowers from Papirloftet - 8 pieces, 7 cm
♥ 1 box of red Rosebuds from Papirloftet, 40 pieces
♥ 1 box of white Rosebuds from Papirloftet, 40 pieces
♥ 3 white Sequin-Stars from Papirloftet
♥ 2 small bags of Pearls - transparent and copper - from Kort & Godt
♥ A selection of spacers and charms - in silver, gold and copper - from Unik Hobby
Sounds good??
Okay, so here's what you'll have to do, to be within the chance to win theese goodies:
1. You have to write a comment to this post...
2. You have to make a link to my anniversary candy with a picture, somewhere in your blog...Options:If you're adding me to your bloglist, and/or become a follower, and tell me why you've did so in an another comment, I'll reward you with entering you twice ;) If you've already did so, just let me now in another comment, and you are entered twice ;)
The blogcandy stays
open until the 15th of Septhember, and the winner will be announced the 16th. Everyone who has a blog is welcome to join the candy - I will ship worldwide ;)
♥ Thank you so much, for every smile you have given me this past blog-year, and I'm looking forward to every new smile the coming year! I wish you all the best of luck! ♥