One day I visited
Monica's blog, I red about a Pay it forward exchange... I signed up immediately - just because I like to make others happy ;)
Shortly about PIF:The whole thing started with the movie "Pay it forward". The rolemodel of Haley Joel Osment, gives a great deed to another person. The only attach to the one who recives it, is that he/her has to promise to give something that matters to others. A simple demand, that may not be as simple that it sounds? Someone has now taken this principle further, and made it into a gift. The rules are simple - everyone can join, and only 3 rules have to be fulfilled:
1. You must have your own blog, so that you can spread the message.
2. You must like to make others happy.
3. You must ship your 3 gifts within the next 365 days.
I've already given away two gifts - A thank you gift for
Kirsten, and a surprise birthday gift for
Kim. The third is a surprise birthday gift for a great blogging friend -
This great award, I've got from the very sweet and talented
Hanna - Thank you so much sweetie!

I'll pass this award to
SasSa, and
This award, I got from the very talented scrapper
Monica a little while ago - Thank you so much, sweetie!

Rules for this award:
1. Copy and paste this award into your blog.
2. Link to the one who gave it to you.
3. Give the award to someone you like, and make a link to them.
4. Make a message to them, about the given award.
I'll give this award to
I while ago, I got this "challenging" award from sweet
"little" Ida - Thank you so much, my friend!

This award is "For a blog whose content or design, in the giver's opinion is, brilliant". The conditions of the award are:
♥ I must thank the person who gave me the award.
♥ I must list their blog and link to it.
♥ I must list 10 honest things about myself.
♥ I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.
♥ I must select at least seven other worthy bloggers & list their links.
♥ I must notify the bloggers of the award.
10 Honest things about me: ♥ I love being with my crafting friends
♥ I love to read
♥ I hate antz and wasps (awful childhood memories ;)
♥ I'm proud of my (best student) State Enrolled Nurse degree, that I got 2 years ago :o)
♥ I like being totally alone sometimes
♥ I like to spend time with my family on our boat in the summer
♥ I don't like being in the sun to much, because I easily get lots of sunrash :(
♥ I hate dusting!!
♥ I dream about writing a novel some day...
♥ I would like to try hypnosis to quit smoking some day...
I'll pass this "challenging" award to
Marte, and
♥ Hope you'll have a great, sunny day everyone ♥