lørdag 28. august 2010

DT Sketh Saturday Week #118 & Some ;( News

Another Saturday, another challenge at Sketch Saturday :)
For our Week #118 Challenge, Jo has again made an awesome sketch for you to play with - go check it out in the challenge blog!! And of course we do have a great price for you this week too, and the rest of the DT have again made some stunning creations!!

I've had a hard time lately dealing with perconal things in my life, and when one of my dearest familymembers suddenly died on tuesday, my whole world fell apart.
The last few days have been very tough on me, but they have also made me "realize" that there's so much more important things in life - than just crafting.
So, until I'm back on my feet, there's going to be some quiet times on my blog
It is with a great deal of sadness, I'm posting this SS card! I've decided to step down from my DT position at SS, so this is going to be my last DT card for this amazing Challenge blog - and team!

Size: 15 x 15 cm
Ink: Archival Ink - Coffee for stamping, Distress Ink - Refills for colouring and Weathered Wood & Antique Linen for inking the edges.
Stamps: CC-design - Swiss Pixie "Birgitta" & "Wheelbarrow" masked together, Magnolia - banner, Norsk Stempelblad - text.
Papers: Maja Design - Mina Vänner "Rosa-Marina 2", Magnolia - A Little Yummy For Your Tummy "Blueberry Dot", Bazzill - white cardstock, Canson - Montval aquarellpaper 200g.
Tools: Martha Stewart - Garden Trellis deep edge punch, EK Suksess - Scalloped Diamond edge punch & frond leaf punch, Spellbinders - Nesting Squares.
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts - Wild Roses 30 mm (mushroom/cream) & Paper Roses 15 mm (pale blue) & 10 mm (white), Kort & Godt - pearls, Creative Cafe - "Lucky Oyster" glitter glue.

♥'s & Hugs, Lena Katrine

18 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av en bloggadministrator.

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  3. cute cute cute!! you colored him adorable!!! super card!!!

  4. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av en bloggadministrator.

  5. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av en bloggadministrator.

  6. So beautiful card Lena,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  7. adorable card, Lena!
    I wish you good things and hope to see you back soon!
    hugs, Alina

  8. Nydelig kort du har lavet. jeg vil også Kondolerer dig
    Jeg ønsker dig alt bedste
    Venlig hilsen Tineke

  9. super nydeligt kort, sååå sødt

  10. So sad to hear you lost a dearly loved familymember. take time to recover from that.
    I wish you the very best and when the time is there I hope to find you here again.

  11. Ooohhh, love that soft colouring, lush design too!!

  12. Som alltid et vakkert og nydelig utført kort Lena Katrine! Sender deg gode og varme tanker!

    en go'klem,Ellen

  13. Sender deg en go'klem og varme tanker Lena Katrine!! Hobbylering er ikke alltid det viktigste, ta vare på deg selv ♥
    Kortet ditt var forresten kjempelekkert!

    (((Go'klem))) fra Anne

  14. Vakkert kort som alltid Lena!
    Sender deg varme tanker!
    stor klem fra

  15. Hi Lena, thank you so much for all of your wonderful DT creations, it has been a pleasure having you on our team,and I am pleased to call you my friend, we are all going to miss you, but understand that you need time to grieve.
    Take care, much love to you & your family
    Jo xx

  16. Love this one so much, the colours are fab and the whole designs is gorgeous hugs Pops x

    Thinking of you sweetie x x x

  17. Huff, så trist å lese, vennen. Har dessverre ikke fått med meg dette jeg... Sender over mange varme tanker og gode klemmer.
    Ta vare på deg selv, vennen ♥

    Kortet ditt er forresten nyyydelig, som alltid.

    Vi ses vel kanskje på messa i morra...

    God klem


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