torsdag 26. august 2010

DT Lili of the Valley Challenge #62

Lili of the Valley has again prepared a new challenge for you, and this time we're going for another theme: "Circles & Spots/Dots" :)
Take a look at the challenge blog to read more about the challenge, to check out the brilliant price - and of course to take a look at the DT's georgeous work again this week :)

I've made another Christmas card again, using another one of those cute little 'James the Bear' stamps :)

Size: 15 x 15 cm
Papers: 3ndypapir - "Juleglede Merkelapper", MM - dotted DP, Bazzill - red & white cardstock, Letrazet - Cartridge Paper.
Tools: Spellbinders - Nesting Classic Circles & Petite Scalloped Circles, Martha Stewart - Heart Lace edge punch.
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts - Small White Poinsettias, Open Paper Roses 10 mm & 15 mm, Closed Rosebuds 4mm, Gypsophilas & Self Adhesive Pearls 3 mm & 5 mm, Ranger - Glossy Accents (on the heart & star), Martha Stewart - glitter (on the tinsel), Glimmermist - Pearl (on the flowers), ribbon.
Colouring with Promarkers:
Fur: Cool Grey 1-4
Box: Satin, Putty, Tan & Cinnamon
Heart: Ruby, Crimson & Burnt Umber
Star: Buttercup, Mustard & Tulip Yellow
Tinsel: Pear Green, Moss & Olive Green

I'm also entering this card in to these following challenges:

Thank you so much for all your sweet comments lately - have a great day!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

19 kommentarer:

  1. WOW! What a beautiful card hun. I really hope that when I use this stamp I can make it look halfway as fantastic as you have. Hugs, Sxx

  2. Så nydelig kort. Du imponerer meg igjen og igjen. Takk for masse inspirasjon.

  3. Oh this is gorgeous Lena, sweet bear.

  4. Love your card, the red is so nice, all details are gorgeous and wauw so nice.
    Regards from Ageeth

  5. Et fantastisk nydelig kort og en herlig liten kar du har brukt som motiv. Ha en fin dag

  6. Wow, så lekkert kort!! Nydelig papir fra 3ndypapir!! Utrolig flott layout!

    Klem Laila.

  7. Åg, så lekkert! Og fullt av "dots and sircles"!

  8. Ååå. dette var et riktig koselig julekort!Og du er jo så flink til å sette sammen papir, farger og pynt, alltid.
    Jeg er blitt helt fortapt i disse herlige motivene fra LOTV, så jeg må nok prøve å kaste meg ut på den utfordringen:).
    Ønsker deg en koselig og kreativ dag!

  9. Nydelig kort og så fiiiiint stempel :)

  10. das ist ja eine wundervolle karte geworden.

  11. What a gorgeous card Lena,I love the image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  12. Wow this is just too adorable! Great job on our challenge this week. I really love your card. Thanks for playing along on For Fun.

  13. I think you might have linked this to Scrapping With/IDIC instead of I Did It Creations challenges. But, whatever this is an adorable card. Beautifully designed.

  14. What a beauty, Lena. Your cards are always a delight to see. Great job. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at For Fun Challenges this week.
    Amelia x

  15. oh my goodness, this is just adorable. I love it!!
    Thanks for playing along with Creative Cottage and Crazy challenges this week
    Anne x

  16. What a beautiful and adorable card Lena. I love the way you have completed the complete card and shared with all of us. It definately is a work of art. Thanks for joining us at For Fun this week. "Hugs" Carol

  17. Hi Lena.
    I'm back from a wonderful holiday.
    We enjoyed the beautiful Harz region in Germany.
    What a wonderful creations you've made the last week, really beautiful!

    Hugs Jannie

  18. wow this is stunning i love the layout and all the detail and the bear is just adorable. Thanks for joining us at The Creative Cottage, Tracy x

  19. Adorable card! I love all the flowers.


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