Hello Friends!
My Grandmother showed me some cute little "Purse" Slippers she had knitted a while ago, and I just had to try these out myself :)
I think these are so cute, and so easy to knit!!!
Great little presents for friends and others, don't you think?
Stay crafting!
Hugs, Lena Katrine
Great idea! So simple but so effective.
SvarSlettKjempeflotte og så nyttige!!
SvarSlettLurt å ha med når en skal på besøk og må ta av seg skoene inne....
Klem fra Anne-Eddie . Ha en flott sommerdag! ;D
OOOh I love these do you have apattern they are fabulous xxxxxxxxxxxxx
SvarSlettAwesome idea! Would love to make a pair for myself. I can't handle walking around in just socks, my feet hurt without a little extra softness.