torsdag 21. januar 2010

Ett trykk 06/09 - 2 Tutorials: Headpins and Flowers with Shrinking plastic

In our last issue of Ett trykk, we had an article about shrinking-plastic.
Each of us in DT made some tutorials; I made a tutorial on how to make some head-pins, and how to make some flowers.

This is what you'll need to make the headpins;
Shrinking plastic, permanent ink, stamps, plain headpins, a circle die and a heat-gun.

Stamp some images on the plastic-sheets.

Punch out the images with a circle die, and pierce a hole in the middle.

Fasten the circles to the plain headpins, and heat it up with the heat-gun.

The circles will get thick and smaller when they're finished.

Headpins ready to use

This is what you'll need to make flowers:
Shrinking plastic, permanent ink, some flower stamps, flower punches, a hole punch and a heat-gun.

Stamp the flowers on shrinking plastic in different colours.

Punch out the flowers in different sizes.

And in different colours and shapes.

Punch a hole in the middle of each flower.

Use the heat-gun to shrink each flower.

When the flowers are still warm, you may shape them a bit, with the backside of a pencil etc.

All the flowers - cooled off.

Fasten some of the flowers together with some brads, and the flowers are ready to use.

Tomorrow I'll show you a card, where I've used my headpins and flowers as embellishment :)

Thank yu for visiting - have a great day!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hjertelig takk for en flott detaljert undervisning!
    Har fått tak i plasten, men har ikke fått gjort noe med den enda.
    Kanskje det nå er på tide å prøve seg litt!
    Varm klem fra Lisbeth

  2. Oh, absolutely perfect tutorial!
    Thank you.
    Have a nice day :)
    Anna :*

  3. Kjempeflotte pins og blomster, de er like flotte som alt det andre du lager. Takk for at du deler.

  4. Så tøffe de blomstene ble! :D

  5. Vakkert og kreativt....og jeg som har sånn plast liggende, uten å ha prøvd dem ennå...Takk for ideen.


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