mandag 4. mai 2009

Inspirational and Several Awards

I've been featured at Inspirational! Juhuuu! *Jumping up and down of joy and proudness* Thank you so much Claire, and the rest of the Inspirational team!

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Oh my! I've got several awards lately, and I do appreciate every singel one of them! Thank you so much girls - I'm truly honoured! I would actually love to give these further to a whole lot of people, but I'll try to cut down to just a few this time ;(

This one was given to me by Hanna - a very talentet swedish, young girl (age 12), who makes the most wonderful creations, that really impress me - just take a look at her georgeus work!
I'll give this further to two of my newest followers - Calvin and Greg, simply because it's so fun to see male crafters in this female "domain" - Thank you guys!

This award was given to me, by both Hanna and Kaia - thank you so much, sweeties!
I'll give this further to Bente, Nancy, Ida, Aina, Camilla B, Petra, Marthe, Pia and Camilla - Thank you so much, for all your sweet comments!

This one was also given to me by Hanna and Kaia - Thank you once again!
I'll give this to Maya - thank you for just being you, sweetie!

The last one, was also given to me by Hanna and Kaia - and from Anette a while ago too!
I'll give this to someone I've never given an award to before, but who always inspires me with their beautiful crafts and sweet comments - thank you so much!
Rach, Bev, Claudia, Kim, Desire, Jaqui, Deb, Nikki, Angeljakki and Jeanette

15 kommentarer:

  1. Tusen, tusen takk for awarden!!!
    Dette setter jeg utrolig stor pris på, det er så koselig å bli husket på. Og så er det ekstra stas at det kommer fra en som er så flink som du er da vet du :O)

  2. Gratulerer med awardene:O)
    Tusen takk for min!! Jeg setter så utrolig stor pris på en sånn tilbakemelding:O)
    Jeg er ny i gamet, men er kommet for å bli!
    Setter veldig pris på kommentarene dine og. You make me smile:O)
    GO' klem fra Nancy.

  3. Gratulerer masse med publiseringen! Absolutt fortjent, du er så kreativ altså!! :)

    Tusen,tusen takk for at du vil dele award med meg, det setter jeg så stor pris på!

    Jeg er så glad for dine gode kommentarer, Lena Katrine! Du gjør meg oppriktig glad! Stor klem fra meg

  4. Er da nokon som fortjener å bli vist på inspirational så er da deg!! Du lagar heilt fantastiske kort!!

  5. Thank you for my award Lena, and congrats for yours, much deserved.

  6. Oh congrats on all your awards sweetie, and thanks so much for passing this one one to me xxx

  7. Congratulations on all your awards Lena and also featuring on Inspirational. It is such an honor to receive an award from you, Big Hugs, Nikki x

  8. TUUUSEN takk for award! :) Det varmer ekstra godt i den triste tiden jeg er inni nå! Jeg bukker og neier :)

    Og gratulerer så mye med Insprational feature, det er store saker! :) Og sukkersøtt DT kortet ditt ROCKS! Vokabularet mitt har blitt helt engelsk igjen etter kun to dager med Amerika besøk, så det ble en ROCKS på deg i kveld! :) Lykke til, jeg holder armer og bein krysset for deg! :)

    Klem Ida

  9. Wow, thank you so much Lena, your blog is lovely and thinking of me! I just about fell of my seat, it means so much thank you x

  10. Congrats on being featured Inspirational sweetie, and many thanks or passing this lovely award onto me it means a lot coming from someone as talented as you
    Hugs Jacquix

  11. Hi Lena. Congrats on your well deserve feature on Inspirational. Also congrats on all these well deserved awards. I am humbly honoured to have received an award from you and accept it gratefully. Hugs from Desire

  12. Gratulerer med alle awardene! Du fortjener hver eneste en!! Og flere til:) Tusen takk for at du sendte en videre til meg!!:) Den varmer godt, og ekstra gøy å få en fra deg.
    Gratulerer også med å bli featuret i Inspirational!!
    Ha en finfin kveld vennen!
    Klemmer fra Camilla.

  13. Tusen takk for awarden - setter enormt stor pris på at du sendte en videre til meg!! Stor klem, Bente

  14. Congratulations on all your awards. You certainly deserve them. Your creations are stunning!
    Thank you so much for thinking of me. What an honor coming from such a talent as yours! Hugs Jeanette


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