tirsdag 31. mars 2009

A new award!

Last week i got this cute award from my sweet friend Evy-Kristin - thank you so much my friend ;o) I'll send it right back to you sweetie!!

Each and one of you, who takes your time to visit and comment in my blog, deserves this award, because it means a whole lot to me! Thank you so much all of you ;o)
I would still like to give this award, especially to one of my recently new friends - Maya! She always takes time to comment in my blog, she gives me great inspiration, and she always make me smile! Thank you for being who you are, sweetie, I'm so glad I've got to know you!

1 kommentar:

  1. Neimen,Lena Katrine!!
    Herrigud,snuppa,det er jo andre veien rundt,vettu :)
    Tuuusen tusen hjertelig takk for nydelige ord *smelt* og fordi du er min venn!
    Klemmekoser fra Maya :)


If you leave me a comment - you'll make my day :)