fredag 29. juni 2012

DT Bildmålarna - Summer Breeze

Good Morning!

It's Friday, and my first week of my Summer holiday are soon to be ended ;(
Too much has been going on this week, so I haven't got any time to relax yet, but lucky for me I still have two more weeks to go *yey*
Today my daughter and I are going to a big concert in Oslo (VG Lista Top 20), along with some girl friends of ours, and that's gonna be FUN!
And tomorrow we're (my family) going to a big family babeque party, so this weekend is going to be full of joy, I think :)

But enough babling - here's the creation we made at the second colour class I held at Unik Hobby this month :)
We coloured up one of the latest and cutest images from Bildmålarna - Mimosa Summer Wind, with a few Promarkers and Prismacolors.
The image was used on a pouch card, that I found a tutorial on at Dena's fabulous blog - a great idea, I think!

Pouch Card
Size: 14 x 14 cm
Ink: Adirondack - Espresso, Distress Ink - Seedless Preserves.
Skin: Promarker - Blush, Prismas - 1092 Nectar og 945 Sienna Brown + 1031 Henna (kinn).

Hair/Basket: Promarker - Buttercup, Prismas - (1012 Jasmine), 946 Dark Brown & 948 Sepia.

Appron/Shoes/Button: Promarker - Satin, Prismas - 1072 French Grey 50 % & 1074 French Grey 70 %.

Jacket/Dress/Flowers/Hair bows: Promarker - Pale Pink, Prismas - 1029 Mahogany Red & 1078 Black Cherry.

Leaf: Promarker - Meadow Green & Prisma - 1096 Kelly Green.
Shadow: Prismas - 1070 French Grey 30 % (+ 1072 French Grey 50 %).

Papers: Bildmålarna - Flowers of Spring, Bazzill - white & pink cardstock, copy paper 280g.
Tools: Spellbinders - Nesting Petite & Petite Scalloped Ovals, Cheery Lynn Design - Olive Branches die, Whiff of Joy - Tag die.

Thank you so much for visting - have a lovely Weekend!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

32 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Lena gorgeous card the image is adorable and you have coloured her beautifully fantastic layout. Have a great weekend enjoy your concert and a great barbacue. Caroline xxx

  2. A beautiful card, fabulous layout and gorgeous image which you have coloured perfectly.

    Sounds like your weekend is going to be lots of fun - enjoy.

    Jo x

  3. such a beautiful card Lena, the image so sweet and your colouring is fabulous.
    Hope you have a great weekend


  4. A beautiful card Lena Katrine, the papers and doily are very delicate and work wonderfully with your cute image.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us at Crafting When We Challenges. :-) xx

  5. OMGggggggggggggggggg, this little girl is absolutely BREATHTAKING! Your coloring is, love it!!!! I have never seen this style of card....amazing! Love the beautiful papers and lovely details!
    WOW....this is some of the best coloring I have ever seen!

  6. Wow, this is so beautiful! And your coloring is perfect, i love the combination of pink and grey!

    Hugs Thea

  7. Wow, this is so pretty!! I love the image, she is so cute. The colours, papers and flowers are beautiful.

  8. Kjempeskjønt!! Vakkert fargelagt som alltid!! Ha en flott konsertkveld du og din datter, og en flott familiedag i morgen!!. Feriedagene går alt for kjapt!! Fortsatt god ferie! Anne-Eddie ;D

  9. Hi, Oh this is super, just right for our birthday challenge on MAWTT, thanks for joining in with us, Hazelxox

  10. So beautiful,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  11. WOW! This is fabulous! I love these images! Thank you for sharing your lovely creation at One Stitch at a Time. This is perfect for our Summer Dresses theme. Good luck with the challenge. Judy x DT

  12. This is just Gorgeous, I so love the image and the colour combo. Also your ribbon and embellies are beautiful.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us at MAWTT. Good luck with the challenges
    Hugs Mau xx

  13. Beautiful colouring and gorgeous colours! Thanks for joining in with our 3rd Birthday Celebrations at MAWTT this fortnight! Pami x

  14. For en vanvittig fargelegging Lena, WOW.....
    Så heldige de er de som får gå på kurs hos deg.
    Jeg er også ferdig med første uke av ferien, i morgen henter vi bobil, så er det bare avgårde kåre......
    Håper dere hadde det fint på konsert.....
    klem fra Kaia som har hatt det super i Barcelona.

  15. This is so gorgeous, adorable image and coloured so beautifully...Thanks for joining us at Divas this week.
    Wendy xx

  16. Beautiful!! Such sweet colours and a cute image, thanks for joining us at Fab'n'Funky this week. Good luck in the draw

    hugs Vicky x x x

  17. This is adorable! Love the doily, flowers, and...EVERYTHING! Thanks for playing with us during out 'summer dresses' challenge over at One Stitch At A Time! Best of luck in the drawing!
    Karen C (OSAAT DT)

  18. Amazing card - I love your design and colouring. Thanks for joining us at Crafting When We Can


  19. Stunning card and colours with a beautifully coloured image :o)
    Thank you for joining us at OSAAT this week and good luck. Hugs, Nikki DT

  20. Your colouring technique is absolutely amazing and you've used beautiful bacjground papers to compliment your image. Thank you for joining us at OSAAT. Jennie DT

  21. This is absolutely adorable. Thanks for doing the CCEE challenge with us. Your coloring and this card are outstanding!

  22. Beautiful as always Lena. Thanks for taking part at I ♥ Promarkers this week.

  23. Wow, what a gorgeous card - I love the colours and the paper you used.

  24. Lena, love this card and your work! I thought I had signed up to follow all my fellow Scrapbook Stamp Society team mates but I missed your blog - am now following!

  25. Helt nyyydelig! Du er jo bare så flink til å fargelegge at det er en fryd! Morsom korttype også.
    Ønsker deg en flott sommer!
    klem fra

  26. This is absolutely beautiful Ilove it and the colouring is gorgeous xxxxxxxxxx

  27. What a pretty project! It's so soft and sweet! I just love this! Thank you for joining us this week at the Fab 'n' Funky Challenge!

    Jackie, Fab 'n' Funky DT

  28. Gorgeous card and beautiful image Lena!! Thanks for sharing at I ♥ Promarkers!!
    Hugs Hazel xx

  29. Beautiful project, Lena. Love that tag with the hearts punched out. Your colouring is amazing.

    Thanks for joining us at Fab'n'Funky Challenges. Be sure to check out our next challenge tomorrow.

    Rachel x

  30. Nydelig kort igjen, takk for at du deltar hos The Paper Shelter challenges denne uken.
    Klem, Bente

  31. She is so gorgeous! Fabulous job on the coloring and layout. Cute idea on the pouch card.

  32. Nydeleg kort :)
    Elska fargane du har brukt ♥ Åh so vént det e :D


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