torsdag 24. mai 2012

Knittet "Purse" Slippers Vol:1

Hello Friends!

My Grandmother showed me some cute little "Purse" Slippers she had knitted a while ago, and I just had to  try these out myself :)
I think these are so cute, and so easy to knit!!!
Great little presents for friends and others, don't you think?

Stay crafting!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

4 kommentarer:

  1. Great idea! So simple but so effective.

  2. Kjempeflotte og så nyttige!!
    Lurt å ha med når en skal på besøk og må ta av seg skoene inne....
    Klem fra Anne-Eddie . Ha en flott sommerdag! ;D

  3. OOOh I love these do you have apattern they are fabulous xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Awesome idea! Would love to make a pair for myself. I can't handle walking around in just socks, my feet hurt without a little extra softness.


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