fredag 5. august 2011

My Little Darlings Blog Hop Winner & A Little Give-Away

Hi friends!

Today I'm enjoying a fantastic sightseeing in Paris :)
But I still thought I'd let you know who the winner of my Little Darlings Blog Hop stamp "Go Team Go" is...
A big thank you to all of you that joined in our Blog Hop!

The winner of this awesome image...

All the winners from our Blog Hop is being announced on the Love To Stamp Store Blog today!


I'm doing some scrap cleaning, and I found these new and unused (the "Label Maker Machine" is just unpacked) Label Maker items hidden away somewhere in my kaos!

If you'd like to have this set, just add a picturelink in your sidebar, and sign up to the blue froggy beneath!
You'll have until Friday 12th at 9 pm to enter, and I'll announce the winner choosed by Mr. Random the same day :)

I'm still enjoying Paris for a few days more, and today I'm off to Champagne - Woohooo :)
Wish you all a great Weekend!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

11 kommentarer:

  1. Congratulations to the winner!! ))))

  2. hiya sweetie
    have fun in paris and enjoy your champagne hunni
    thank you for a chance to win your gorgeous candy hunni
    it's posted in my sidebar sweetie
    hugs angelique

  3. Congrats to the winner.
    Wow, that's one gorgeous candy. Thank you so much for the chance.
    Have a super time in Paris.
    Hugs, Yvon

  4. Hi What a super prize thankyou for the opportunity! Hope the weather is great and you are spoiling yorself in Paris ! Kitty ;0)

  5. Heldige du. Paris er bare helt topp. Blir aldri lei av den byen, stadig noe nytt å oppdage. KOS deg!

  6. hi lena, i found your blogg oooohhhhoooo what a gorgeous cards you made!!!!! realy my compliments!!!
    xx petra

  7. Hi Lena, you lucky girl you, Paris, it's been ages since I was there. My son actually took his brandnew girlfriend there for her birthday only last week, isn't that romantic?? So hope you're enjoying yourself!! Thank you for the sweet candy, I never find great stuff like that in the back of my closet LOL!! Hugs, Frea

  8. Thrilled to have found your lovely blog. Many congatulations to the winner :-) Thank you for the opportunity to play and win.
    Carole x

  9. I hope you had a fantastic time in Paris, Im sure you do...thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy Lena
    Mina xxx

  10. Well done to the winner.Very nice candy Lena.Thank you for the chance to win.Love Debbie x


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