søndag 24. juli 2011

LOTV & WOC Christmas Party WINNERS & Some Little Darlings NEWS

Hi friends!

Just a short post today, to announce the winners of my WOC & LOTV Christmas Party Candy winners, and to give you some news from Love To Stamp/Little Darlings :)

Thank you so much to all of you that particpated in our Christmas in July Party, and a big thank you to all of you that entered our candies, and to all of you that left us such sweet comments!

But, first thing first...

The winner of my WOC Christmas Candy...


And the winner of my LOTV stamp...



Congratulations to both of you!
Please contact me within 3 days, so I'll have your addresses, and I'll make sure you'll have your prices as soon as possible :)

Check out the Wild Orchid Crafts Blog and the Lili of the Valley Ideas To Inspire Blog, to see the full list of all the winners - including the Grand Price Winners!


There's a new Little Darlings rubber stamp release coming out on August 1st over at Love To Stamp and the Design Team is going to be showing off some super SNEAK PEEKS all week!!!

Head on over to the Love To Stamp Store Blog  
each day this week to catch a glimse of the NEW RELEASE called BACK TO SCHOOL!!!

There are prizes and surprises!
But you have to enter to have a chance to win!!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

5 kommentarer:

  1. hiya sweetie
    thanks for the chance hunni
    a huge congratts to the winners
    have a great evening hunni
    hugs angelique

  2. Wow! So cool! Thanks for making me a winner!

  3. OH wow! This is just stunning! hugs Teresa xx

  4. OH wow! This is just stunning! hugs Teresa xx

  5. Oh I am so excited to be a winner. I tried to email you at your email link and it will not go.
    Can you email me


    I can then send you my address. thank you so much!


If you leave me a comment - you'll make my day :)