søndag 5. juni 2011

Wild Orchid Crafts DT Call & A GiveAway!!!

'Morning :)
There have been a few changes on theWOC DT, so Wild Orchid Crafts is looking for three talented DT members to join our talented team!!!
Initial appointments will cover 6 months – from 1st July to 31st December, with the possibility of extending for a second term.
The DT call is open to all.
Hop along to the Wild Orchid Crafts Blog to read more about the terms - and it's easy peasy to apply!!!


I have a little something to give away to you today :)
Just to say thank you - to all of you that follows me, visits me and are leaving me such nice comments! You are all so much appreciated - you really make me smile every day!

All you have to do, to get a "ticket" are:
Mention my GiveAway on your blog (sidebar is fine), and leave your name to the blue froggy,
 before Sunday June 5th at 9 pm!
The winner will be announced Monday June 6th.
Thank you and best of luck!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

25 kommentarer:

  1. such a great blog candy. this I would like to win:)

  2. hiya sweetie
    ohhh i'm the first
    thank you so much for the offering of this lovely candy
    i'll link it right away
    have a great day hunni
    hugs angelique

  3. Supert med candy! Jeg har meldt meg på :)
    Ønsker deg en fin dag!

  4. I have followed you for a while and always look forward to a new post from you. Thanks for the opportunity to win the lovely candy.

  5. Hello!
    Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
    I am a follower for a long while now) i love your blog. Hugs. Larisa. xx

  6. What a cute Candy and Blog!
    Hugs Anja

  7. You are so sweet and so is the blog candy. I enjoy peaking at your blog and beautiful creations. Thank you for the chance to win your candy.
    kelly from the USA

  8. I have followed you almost since I started blogging. You are always such and inspiration !! Thanks for the chance to win some great candy !!

    hugs, sandra xx

  9. I just became a follower and posted your give-away on my sidebar, I'd love the chance to win such awesome candy, wow, someones gonna be really lucky... :)
    all the best...Claudia

  10. Hi there~~Cool stuff!! Thanks

  11. Awesome candy!
    Thanks for the chance to win this beauty! I would like to be the lucky winner :)
    Linked it on my blog.
    Thanks !!!!!

  12. Well, I'm not so talented to apply for the DT call, but I'm applying for your giveaway :) Thank you to show us your beautiful creations :)

  13. Hi Love visiting your blog. Have learnt so much and continue to be inspired. Thanks Kitty :)

  14. Så snill du er da :) Har linka til candyen din i bloggen min. La meg til som følger også sidan eg er innom bloggen din og kikker litt :)

  15. Thanks for the chance to win!
    Greetings from Slovenian follower :-))

  16. Lovely celebration candy Lena, thanks for the chance of winning x

    hugs sally x

    PS ... I have candy up for grabs too.

  17. Hei på deg vennen!:)
    Ååh..her har jeg gått glipp av noe ser jeg!!:) Sånn er det når sol og sommer kommer:) Men, selvfølgelig vil jeg være med på denne, jeg som elsker WOC's tingene:)
    Tar med meg bilde og link tilbake nå jeg, så må du ha en strååålende dag, og kose deg i solen!:)
    God klem fra meg!:)

  18. what a great candy, love to take a chance for it!

  19. What a wonderful gift! ANyone would be happy to get it!

  20. grazie per la possibilità di vincere tutte queste meraviglie un caro saluti dall'italia rosa.kreattiva

  21. Thanks for the opportunity to win, your work is always soooo inspirational. Suzanne x

  22. What a beautiful candy! I'd be happy if i won it.
    But anyway I am happy every day when I visit your blog and see what beautiful things you show us today. I got so many inspirations from you.

  23. hi, Lena Katrine
    those are some fabulous goodies you've chosen! I have my fingers crossed.
    Your candy is in my sidebar.
    I love your talent, enjoying your blog!! Thanks for chance at candy--it is great!
    hugs Regina*


If you leave me a comment - you'll make my day :)