onsdag 18. mai 2011

DT Little Darlings Blog Hop

Today we're kicking off a fun BLOG HOP to celebrate the launch of Angie's store - Love To Stamp, along with her new range of stamps - Little Darlings :)
Love To Stamp also has a LTS Store Blog for updates and new product info.
The Little Darlings Challenges starts June 8th, so mark your calendars :)

If you came here from Suzanne - one of our special guests - you're on the right track!
If not - please start at the beginning of the hop, at our Little Darlings Challenge Blog!

The whole Little Darlings DT along with some special Blog Hop guests, have all prepared some beautiful creations to share with you due to the Blog Hop, and here's one I made using the adorable image "Going For A Ride" :)

The idea for the Wheel Barrow did I get by visiting My Time Made Easy!
I didn't buy their template, but drew my own, and created a Wheel Barrow that looks a bit/a lot different :)

But back to the hop...
There will be a fantastic candy offered on the Challenge Blog for those who complete the hop...
...just have a look at it!!!

To get a chanse to win the great price, you'll have to:
♥ Add your name to Mr. Linky on the Challenge Blog
♥ Become a Follower of the Challenge Blog
♥ Leave a comment on EACH blog in the hop
♥ Link the candy to your sidebar
The Blog Hop ends at May 25th!!!

The next person on the Blog Hop, is another one of our special guests - Dena!

Want another reason to check out the Little Darlings Challenges Blog
There is a sweet CANDY treat up for grabs and it's super easy to enter your name in the running. 
There is also a contest that runs til June 8th and has some super prizes!!! 
You can catch all of the details on the challenge blog.

Thanks for joining our Blog Hop - now hop along to Dena, check out her georgeous Little Darlings project, and get the next details of the Blog Hop!

Best of luck to you all!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

26 kommentarer:

  1. Denne hengeren var bare fantastisk:)

  2. Wow! What an amazing creation Lena! Love the design and beautiful papers you used. Did you create the design of the wheelbarrow yourself? It is fabulous! hugs, Angela

  3. Oh my goodness, Lena, this is adorable! You did an amazing job on your cute wheelbarrow!

  4. You are so talented Lena! What a cute project!!! OMG! I love it! Such pretty coloring too girlie!
    Hugs, Dena

  5. Hi Lena!

    How clever...to put this image on its own wheel barrow. I love it! Gorgeous project :-) You're so talented!


  6. Oh my... such a clever, adorable project!! You are super creative!!!!

  7. Love that wheelbarrow! What a clever idea.

  8. Ma che meravigliosa idea!

  9. This is just awesome. I can't believe that you made that wheel barrel. It is awesome and so perfect for the card. What an amazing job on evrything . WOW............

  10. This is really stunning!!
    Hugs Nicolet

  11. what a gorgeous creation, must try making one of these, so cute!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  12. You are so creative. This is absolutely adorable with the image.


  13. This is DARLING!!!!
    Rene :D

  14. Oh I love your creation!! This is awesome!! And that stamp is just too cute!!

  15. How cute is that! Love how you did a little 'sign' on the front of the wheelbarrow. Love it!
    Huggies ~

  16. Lena,

    This is amazing. Very creative. I love the paper and your beautiful coloring. LOVE the scallop wheels too!

    Hugs, Mindy

  17. Wow Lena!
    You re so clever. This littl wagon is gorgeous. I love the wheels and the pretty paper you used.
    I have just ordered this stamp...My favorite. I love how you colored it. Love the red bolt on the stamped wheel to match the wagon.
    Hugs Maz

  18. What a cute idea and it looks so awesome using this image :-)

  19. Ohhh...I love the wheelbarrow. The image is adorable.
    Wonderful Job!!

  20. You did an amasing job featurring this image.

    What gorgeous paper too!!! You are a work of art my friend,Ruby♥

  21. Fabulous wheelbarrow....I absolutely love it!

  22. Oh Lena, your wheelbarrow is just wonderful including that great image colored perfectly!! Hugs, Denise

  23. Cute project! Love the image!

  24. This is such a cute idea! Totally fits the image and wonderfully put together :)

  25. Oh Sweet Lena~~You have outdone yourself once again!!! I am speechless and this is just Darling :)
    Big Hugz


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