fredag 4. februar 2011

DT Unik Hobby - January's Stamp Challenge

Better late than never, right?
Well, I'm finally ready with my card, using the stamp Malene at Unik Hobby challenged me to showcase for January ;)
The image is something quite different than I usually play with, but it made the perfect card for my aunt and uncle that's celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary soon :)

The funny image designed by Art Impression called "Birthday Couple", is coloured with Prisma Colours Premier Pencils, and I was pretty pleased with the result :)

Size: 15 x 15 cm
Folding: Gate-Fold Card
Papers: Magnolia - Something old, something new "Something Blue", Bazzill - white & blue cardstock, Letraset - Cartridge Hevyweight Paper 270g.
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts Flowers - Open Paper Roses 20 mm & 15 mm, Semi Open Roses 8 mm, Aster Daisies, Gypsophilas & Rosebuds 4 mm, Ranger - Stickles "Star Dust", ribbon, charms, rhinestones.
You can read this entire post in Norwegian, at the Unik Hobby blog :)

I'm also entering this card in to these following challenges:
Craft Your Days Away - #12 "Love"
City Crafter - #42 "All you need is LOVE"
Simon Says - "Love is in the air"
Freshly Brewed - #33 "Anniversary"
Craft Us Crazy - "Anything Goes"
Thanks for stopping by - now, pop over to Unik Hobby to do your shopping :)
Hugs, Lena Katrine

25 kommentarer:

  1. Dette kortet er så stilig....
    Digger paret som skal blåse ut lysene..
    Nydelig fargelagt, og flotte farger.
    Kos deg på treff i helgen.
    Klem fra Kaia

  2. Ha ha ha, det var ju jätte härligt!!
    Passar som sagt perfekt... snyggt dekorerat dessutom.
    Ha det så bra i helgen, Annacarin

  3. I like the funny image very much. Also the colours you have used. A funny card, beautiful card Lena

    luv Marja

  4. Adorable card! Love the image lol and the colors you worked with are perfect! Love the ribbon and flowers! Beautiful work!

    Thanks for joining us at Craft Us Crazy and hope you'll join us again!

  5. What a beauty
    And your colours are so pretty!!!!
    Hugs Sylvia

  6. Utrolig herlig motiv, nydelig fargelagt og flotte papirer på et flott kort !
    Ha en fin helg, Lena Katrine !

  7. Oi!
    Jeg liker ikke egentlig sånne motiver noe særlig, men dette ble jo utrolig flott, spesielt fordi resten av kortet er så lekkert! :)
    Artig. :)

    Ha en fin dag.
    Klem, Anne.

  8. Hihihi, dette får meg til å le. Noe så herlig, super lekkert!
    Skal du på treff i helgen dag? Det skal jeg :)
    Uansett god helg! -klem-

  9. Åh, hvilket herlig kort!!
    De har så skønne stempler :)
    Så gøy at du ville være ,ed å "leke" litt med oss på vår første utfordring på Craft us crazy. Håper at du blir værende der :)
    Ha en flott helg
    Klem Maria

  10. Wow great card, fab image.Thanks for sharing this with us at

  11. Beautiful creation ... I'm sure they will love this ... thanks for playing along at CCCB

  12. oh wow igen so et flot kort super farver og sode motivet
    onsker dig en God weekend Tineke

  13. Hi Lena . Beautiful card. Gorgeous image and the colours are wonderful.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Hugs Jannie

  14. Utrolig flott kort, med et veldig kult motiv. Herlige farger og pynt! Ha en fin helg! Klem fra Jeanette :)

  15. Gorgeous card Lena, love the colours and image. Thanks for joining us at CYDA this time.
    Donna x

  16. Ha ha ha, dette var både morsomt, stilig og lekkert på en gang! :)

  17. Love your card! That couple is just too cute & funny! LOL Love it!
    Thank so much for joining us at Craft Us Crazy!
    Huggies ~

  18. Great card! Lovely to see your work at Freshly Brewed Challenges! Thanks for joining us and good luck!

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  19. Tee Hee! That image is so funny........ and your card is absolutely beautiful!!!

    Thank you for participating in the Fresh Brewed Challenge this week!

  20. Wow, this stunning card is truly a work of art!!!!! I mean look at that gorgeous coloring!!!!!! Love every little detail on this card! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Brewed Challenges.


  21. Hi, hi - så herlig kort med herlig motiv;)
    klem fra

  22. hi, hi va roligt. jättefint kort o din färgläggning är underbar. tack för ditt bidrag till craft us crazy. kram

  23. such a cute and fun card! thanks for joining us at CCCB!

  24. hi, hi. va gullig. o du har gjort kortet otroligt vackert. älskar färgerna o alla blommorna. jag är så glad att du vill vara med i våran utmaning på Craft Us Crazy. kram

  25. HEHEHE!!! I LOVE how you colored the happy couple;) The papers and inside are just beautiful!!!

    Thanks for playing along at the Fresh Brewed Designs Month Long Prize challenge for February!


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