torsdag 12. august 2010

DT LOTV Challenge #60 + A Sneekpeek & My Promarker Debut

Since we decided to have a new challenge every week at Lili of the Valley's Challenge Blog, we decided to go for a theme and a sketch every other week :)
And for this Challenge #60, we have come up with a great theme for you: All 4 Seasons!!!
Since LOTV has a huge range of image stamps, it shouldn't be to difficult to find stamps to suite all 4 of the year's seasons, should it?

Lili of the Valley is soon going to releese a new collection of Christmas stamps:
 LOTV Christmas Animals!!! And today some of the DT's will show you sneekpeeks from the new collection - so don't forget to visit all of the other talented little fairies to get some peeks of the new cuties :)
Do also visit the LOTV's Ideas to Inspire Blog to get some peeks during the next days!

I have to admit, I've not exactly been a fan of animal stamps before, but when I saw the new James the Bear Christmas images, I fell in looove :) And even more, after they made my promarker colouring "finally" work :)
I've always sworn to my Distress Inks when it comes to colouring, but when I was in Leksand earlier this summer together with my friend Maya, I finally "gave in", and bought my self some Promarkers, after reciving a handfull of them as a gift from Lisa *hugs* :) During the summer I've bought some more, and now I have about 60 Promarkers (and I know I will buy several more :)
So, during my last week of Summer holliday, I finally got some time to practice with my Promarkers...
The first one ended up in the did the other one...and the third...and the fourth...and even the fift!!!
Nearly giving up, but then I decided to try out this little cutie called James the Bear "In the Snow" from LOTV, and suddenly it all fell in to places :)
So, here it is; My Promarker debut - and a sneekpeek of James the Bear "In the Snow" from Lili of the Valley's Christmas Collection II - Christmas Animals:

Size: 15 x 15 cm
Ink: Archival Ink - Jet Black, Distress Ink - Black Soot & Weathered Wood for inking the edges.
Stamps: Lili of the Valley - James the Bear "In the Snow" (coming soon) & "Christmas Greetings".
Papers: Maja Design - Crea Diem "Av Hela Mitt Hjärta", Magnolia - One Upon a Time "Blue Starlit", Bazzill - white & turqouise cardstock, Letrazet - Cartridge Paper.
Tools: Spellbinders - Nesting Classic & Scalloped Squares + Classic Circles, EK Success - edge punch, Martha Stewart - snowflake punch, glue pads to get a bit of a 3D effect on the image.
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts - Guipure White Lace & Self Adhesive Pearls, Unik Hobby - charm & ribbon, Ranger - Glossy Accents, Melissa Frances - glitter, doilies, silver tread.
Colouring with Promarkers:
Fur: Warm Grey 1-4
Cheeks: Pale Pink
Hat & Scarf: Pastel Blue, Cool Aqua, Duck Egg & Cold Grey 3
Shadow & Ground: Cool Grey 1-2 + Blender
I know I'll need lots of more practecing to get the light/shadows right,
but I think I'm on my way, or what? :)
I'm also entering this card in to these following challenges:
Thank you for visiting - you'll make me one happy girl if you'll leave me a comment as well :)
Have a great day, sweet people!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

46 kommentarer:

  1. Heisan, håper du har hatt en finfin sommer:)
    Wow, så rålekkert fargelagt- øving gjør mester ser eg:)
    Supersøt bjørn og vakkert kort!!! Er så lekkert med blått og så mange nydelige detaljer å hvile øynene på:)
    Klemmer fra Lene:)

  2. Åååå, hvor skal en begynne??? NYYYDELIG kort!!!! Et skjønt motiv, som gatantert snart blir mitt, selv om jeg også pleier å hoppe galant over bamsebjørnene:) Men dette falt jeg for!
    Og så er det fargeleggingen da...himmel såååå flott...Jeg tipper det ligger masse lekkert i søpla di også Lena!
    Og så fniiiser jeg litt for meg selv. Dette var jenta si som aaaldri skulle ha tusjer...hihi:)

    Ha en strålende dag vennen.
    Masse klemmer fra Marianne:)

  3. Åhh, det var vel vakkert!!!!!
    Nydelig fargelagt motiv, som lene, så liker jeg også veldig godt blå julekort...
    Det er ikke lett å farge med promarkers altså??? jeg har så lyst å prøve noe annet enn distress, men aner ikke hva som er "best".
    Du har i allefall "knekt promarkerkoden" det er nå sikkert.
    Ha en super torsdag.
    Klem fra Kaia

  4. Åå, han var da søt!:)Jeg er også der, at jeg ikke er spes. glad i dyre motiver, men når de blir som denne søtingen, så kunne jeg klart det!:)).
    Ser ut som du er en av de som takler det meste, innen kort og fargelegging! Skulle tro du hadde gjort dette i evigheter!
    Jeg likte også veeldig godt papiret med stjerner på det er kanskje "gammelt"?:).
    Gleder meg til å se flere Promaker-motiv:).
    -skulle kanskje ha begytn å bruke noen av mine 70 stk. også!:))).
    Ha en flott dag.

  5. Oh Lena, I think I am in love! This LOTV ted is just to die for, can't wait for him to be released. Your card is stunning and your colouring is complete perfection. Brilliant. Hugs, Sxx

  6. Dette synes jeg var helt nydelig fargelagt, veldig imponert over at du kun har fargelagt med Promarkere i kort tid:-) Ser ut som du har gjort det i evigheter...Og bamsen er utrolig søt, ikke noe problem å like dyremotiver når de ser ut som han:-)

    Takk for at du også skriver hvilke farger du har benyttet, det hjelper oss andre som innimellom står litt fast når det gjelder fargekombinasjoner ;-)

    Ha en fin dag:-)


  7. Ja, ja, noen har det bare. Talent for farging altså. Jeg er ikke akkurat bestevenn med mine ProMarkere, og ikke engang etter forsøk nr 106 kunne jeg fått til noe så flott som dette! Bamsen er helt nydelig farget!
    Hele kortet er nydelig. Herlige farger, og skjønne detaljer med stjernene og sløyfene.
    Fikk jammen lyst på denne krabaten jeg og, men så var det det med fargingen da...
    Ha en super dag!

  8. Det är verkligen en fröjd att kika in i din blogg.
    Alltid lika välgjorda och vackra alster.
    Den lilla nallen är ljuvligt söt och helt perfekt färglagd. Upplägget på kortet och alla detaljer är verkligen en fröjd för ögat.

    Ha en fin dag.

  9. wonderful cute card love the sweet bear and beautiful colours.

  10. Wowwww Lena,What a wonderful cards,I love the images and the colours.
    So beautiful papers and the details.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  11. What a delicious card Lena ! I love the colour scheme and this little bear is the sweetest ever ! Smiles from Catherine

  12. Absolutely gorgeous, love the image which is perfectly coloured such a lovely easel card, so perfect for our challenge at Winter Wonderland, thanks for sharing and playing along
    - don't forget another new challenge tomorrow
    Hugs Kate xx

  13. Wow!!!
    Men så otrolig söt liten nalle;)
    Och så fina färger.
    Du har gjort ett jätte jobb.
    Och med promaker.
    Det är så roligt att sitta och bläddra bland alla dina fina kort.
    Som en härlig bok:))
    Tack för all inspiration du ger.
    Kramar Camilla

  14. This is adorable! Thanks for playing along with us again at Penny's. Good Luck!


  15. Sweet image and a beautiful card with all the folds, embellies and pretty color. So glad you joined us at the Pixie Cottage this week.

  16. Hi, Lena Katrine! Your colouring is fabulous!A stunning creation! I bought some Impress feltips but I haven't used them yet and keep on with watercolour pencils. Maybe I'll ge them a try just like you do with Promarkers. hugs. Miria

  17. åååååå dette var nyyydelig :) Du er superflink til å fargelegge :)

  18. beautiful card with such a cute image and perfect colouring

    Thanks for sharing with the Lotstodo Challenge xx Hilda

  19. Nydelig kort fra deg igjen. En herlig liten tass du har farget så fantastisk fint. Ha en fortsatt fin dag

  20. Lena this is absolutely stunning hun! Your ProMarker coloring is FANTASTIC...I swear you could color with anything and it would look definitely are an artist hun! Love it!
    Hugs~ Kim

  21. Himmel og hav, jeg er målløs!!! Her må det da bli trippelt *sukk* og *dån* for dette var skikkelig lekkert asså :)

    Og som du fargelegger med tusjer, sikker på at du har øvd?? ;)

    Klem fra Nina.

  22. Himmel!! Vad snyggt!! Du har ju lyckats såååå bra med PMna!! Och motivet är ju såååå sött! Använder du en blender till dina PM? Har testat PM med MCP-teknik men är inte nöjd... Distresserna är bättre!


  23. Your card is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for entering it into The Stamp Man's Take 2 Colours Challenge :)

  24. Et nydelig kort, Lena Katrine!
    Du er allerede bare rå med promakersene..super nusselig motiv perfekt til mønster arkene og fargene!

  25. Wow dette mestrer du som en proff!! Hehe litt morsomt å lese om tusjefobien din, jeg har hatt det på samme måte, men er på en rar måte blitt litt "addicted" til tusjene...!:)
    Lurt å begynne med motiv som er lette å fargelegge, så tar du de andre også etterhvert! Gleder meg til å se flere PM-kort fra deg! Men tror du Distressene blir utryddet nå???:}
    Ha en herlig helg i vente!!
    Stor klem fra Camilla

  26. This card is gorgeous! The image is adorable and you brought it to life. Love the colors you chose.


  27. I love this card. Your attention to detail is amazing. Beautiful coloring.

    Thanks for joining us this week at I Did It Creations.

  28. Gorgeous cards & love that adorable image ... Great layout, wonderful papers & lace ... Just a sweet sweet card.
    Hugs, Janie

  29. Gorgeous cards & love that adorable image ... Great layout, wonderful papers & lace ... Just a sweet sweet card.
    Hugs, Janie

  30. Gorgeous cards & love that adorable image ... Great layout, wonderful papers & lace ... Just a sweet sweet card.
    Hugs, Janie

  31. Love your cards. Just happened upon your blog & am enjoying a look around. I've signed up to follow you to see more of what you create.
    Hugs, Janie

  32. this is one beautiful card love the image the colors and your attention to detail is just brilliant bless you for playing at the pixie cottage this week hope to see you again love hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  33. Your card is gorgeous! I love these soft colors and your perfect coloring

    Thank you for joining us for the Sentimental Sundays “Anything Goes” challenge. Good luck!


  34. Stunning, a gorgeous card, and a great take on this weeks challenge. Thank you for playing with The Pixie Cottage.

  35. What a beautiful card! Your coloring is amazing, and the DP is gorgeous as well. Thanks so much for joining in on this week's Sentimental Sundays! :)

  36. This is just SO cute. The colouring is stunning!

  37. Hello Lena Katrine! I LOVE your Christmas card! The colors, details and design are just fabulous!! Thanks for playing along at the Nook this wek!

  38. Another stunning card Lena Katrine! Very well done!!!

  39. Absolutely perfect in everyway! Wow Lena, you are so talented! Love your blog and all your creations! Thanks for taking on this sketch, hope to see you back on our next challenge.

  40. Åh!!! For en nusselig bamse Lena Katrine! Og kortet er kjempelekkert =) Fargeleggingen er det slettes ikke noe å utsette på, og jeg har en mistanke om at de første ikke hørte hjemme i søppelbøtta heller ;) Takk for at du deltar hos the Pixie Cottage!

    Håper du har hatt ei super helg!

    Klem fra Anne

  41. Wow, I just love everything about this stunning card.
    Thanks for joining The Pixie Cottage this week.
    Adrina XX

  42. Oh wow! This is BEAUTIFULLY GORGEOUS! I love the colors on here .. soooo much of winter and fits perfect for your card! Thank you so much for joining us at CLP!


  43. Your card is very lovely. Thank you for playing along with the Papertake Weekly challenge.

  44. Sweet winter card!!!! The lace is just gorgeous. Adorable image and colored in so beautifully!! Thank you for joining us in this month challenge at CLP.
    Hugs Bonnie
    CLP Designer

  45. What a super sweet card I love it. Thanks so much for joining us this month at CLP, Good Luck.

  46. For et aldeles nyyydelig kort!
    Blir stadig "himmelfallen" av alt det flotte du tryller fram!... :)
    Og for en super ProMarker debut! Det må jeg bare si! Takk for at du deltar i skisseufordringen for august på CLP utfordringsbloggen! Lykke til!

    Klem, Hege

    PS: Håper du har hatt en fin sommer! DS


If you leave me a comment - you'll make my day :)