lørdag 19. juni 2010

Sketch Saturday Week #108 meets Unik Hobby - June

Another challenge is ready for you at Sketch Saturday!!!
And I've combined it with my June challenge for Unik Hobby :)

For my June challenge, Unik Hobby gave me this most adorable Sarah Kay stamp (one of my favourite stamp collections) from Stampavie, and I knew I had to make a card that gave me a summery feeling :)
So here's my Sarah Kay summer card - Unik Hobby featuring Sketch Saturday's weekly sketch #108:

The image is stamped with Archival Ink - Coffee on aquarellpaper, and coloured with Distress Ink - Refills; mainly in the colours of "Tumbled Glass", "Victorian Velvet", Pumice Stone" & "Forest Moss".
The birthday sentiment is from Norsk Stempelblad AS, and says "Hipp, hipp, hurray!"

I've used patterned papers, from the Tim Holtz - Idea-Ology "Vintage Shabby" Collection & 3ndy's - "Søtt", distressed with Distress Ink - "Victorian Velvet" & "Broken China", together with pink Bazzill cardstock & plain white cardstock.
The card is embellished with beautiful white Cherry Blossoms, and pink roses, pearls and berries from 
Kort & Godt.

I've used Spellbinders - Nesting Circles to cut out the image, along with a round Multi Frame from Nellie Snellen, and a couple of edge punches from EK Suksess.
The seem around the the panels are made with my sewing machine.

Size: 15 x 15 cm
Ink: Archival Ink - Coffee, Distress Ink - Refills.
Stamps: Stampavie - Sarah Kay "Bernadette admiring the spring flowers", 
Norsk Stempelblad - Småord (text).
Tools: Nellie Snellen - Multi Frames 005 (Bunny Zoe's Crafts), Spellbinders - Nesting Circles,
EK Suksess - border punches, gluepads, sewing machine.
Papers: Tim Holtz - Idea-Ology "Vintage Shabby", 3ndy - "Søtt", Aquarellpaper 200 g, white cardstock.
Embellies: Kort & Godt - roses, pearls & berries, Unik Hobby/WOC - Cherry Blossoms.
You may also take a look at this card in the Unik Hobby blog.

Remember to check out the Sketch Saturday blog too, and take a peek at the rest of the DT's amazxing work and the great price we have for you this week :)

I'm also entering this card in to these following challenges:
Stamp Something - Something Summer
A Spoon Full of Sugar - Challenge #108 "Enjoying the Sunshine"
Bunny Zoe's Craft - Challenge #1 "Nice & Girly"
Sentimental Sundays - Challenge #7 "Summertime"


Today is my son's birthday!!!

Happy 9th Birthday, Leander! 
Love ya'!

♥ Thanks a lot for visiting - take care! ♥
Hugs, Lena Katrine

14 kommentarer:

  1. Nok et nydelig kort :-) Kjempestilig med den dies'en du har brukt til 'hipp, hipp'; den har jeg ikke sett før, men den var stilig. Flott å triple den også, det ble så fin effekt. Flotte farger, og fargeleggingen din er jo proff !
    Gratulerer med 9-åringen; håper dere får en fin dag.

  2. Utrolig flott kort! Flotte farger og motiv!
    Grattis med stor gutt. Stas!

  3. Happy birthday for your son Leander! And you made a lovely card. I like this Sarah Kay so much...
    Hugs Ingrid

  4. Hiya Lena, first of all Congratulations on youre son Leander, have fun today and hope you get spoiled by youre mom and dad. ANd offcourse youre card is AMAZING sweetie, wow really love sarah I have her myself and just love her....fabulous coloring and youre choice of papers are great sweetie. Hope you will have a fab weekend. Hugs Terry xxxx

  5. Oh gorgeous card Lena, sweet image and colours. Happy Birthday to Leander.

  6. Nydelig kort i flotte farger og et nydelig stempel :)
    Gratulerer med 9-åringen :)
    Ha en fin helg.

  7. Happy birthday for your son Leander. And you made a lovely card
    sweet image and colours.

  8. Et nydelig kort i helt rå lekre farger! Stempelet bare så skjønt:-)

    Gratulerer med 9 åringen i huset!
    Ha en fin bursdags feiring.

    Klem Laila.

  9. What a beautiful card Lena,i love your image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  10. This is lovely Lena, I love the SK stamps too. And Happy Birthday to Leander, I hope he had a great weekend celebrating.

  11. Absolutely gorgeous card - the image is just precious! Happy Birthday to your son - he's a cutie!

  12. Lena this is absolutely beautiful! What a gorgeous card hun! Love the colors and your coloring always takes my breath away! Happy Birthday to your son...he's so cute! :)
    Hugs~ Kim

  13. wow Lena what a stunning card, I love this image...thanks for joining in with the Bunny Zoe's monthly challenge
    Mina xxx

  14. Gorgeous card! I love this color combo. Thank you for joining us for the Sentimental Sundays challenge.


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