tirsdag 2. februar 2010

My advent calendar contended..., a KAOS and some other awards :)

As you may remember, I got an amazing adventcalendar from my best friend Maya :)
And it also contended a whole lot of georgeous crafting stuff too *happy*
Do you wanna see?
Well, here's a pic of all the jummy stuff I got in it:

Am I lucky or what?
I think I must have the best friend ever :)

Some time ago, I got this georgeous KAOS-award from the very sweet and talented Kaia!!!
I was so supprised, and so happy, by reciving this KAOS - thank you so much, my friend, it really means a lot to me!

As you may remember, I did recive a KAOS earlier too, so now I have to make 6 of them myself...
But I know who's gonna get them...
So, during a couple of weeks, I'll let you know :)


A couple of days ago, I also recived these great awards from Astrid - thank you so much sweetie!!!
The awards goes right back at you :)

The Happy Award wants us to make a list over 10 things that makes us happy :)
There's a lot of little things that makes me happy, but here is  
the first 10 things that popped up in my mind, in random order:

1. Friends and family
2. Time for blogging
3. Reciving comments about my crafts
4. New crafting supplies
5. Crafting together with friends
6. All sorts of compliments
7. Give away cards and presents to people I care about
8. Travelling
9. Watching a great movie or reading a good book
10. Lots of sparetime, chocolate and coffee

Now, I would really like to give this to all of you - because you all make me very happy, but I'll try to cut it down to a list of 10 people this time:

I've recived The Lemon Award a couple of times before, so that one is for all of you that bother visiting me - thank you so much!


And I also recived this great award from Merethe - thank you so much sweetie!
The award goes right back at you as well:)

I'll pass this award to Maya, Marianne and Anne Kristine, who always inspire me
with lots of beautiful creations, great ideas and just being who they are!!

I wish you all a terrific day!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

17 kommentarer:

  1. Takk..takk...takk Lena Katrine for oppmuntringen :o)))
    Takk til deg også for all inspirasjon du gir meg!
    Du er dyktig!!!
    Storklem Anne

  2. What a beautiful card Lena,i love your image and colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  3. Your card is beautiful Lena, love the text!

  4. congratulations on your beautiful awards, Lena Katrine! and have fun with all those beautiful things which you have received!
    hugs, Alina

  5. For en flott kalender du har fått!
    Nydelig KAOS-award også og velfortjente de andre også.
    Klart jeg skal på Ski-treff! Det er nesten "hellig" for meg det vet du, har vært på samtlige og det første var mitt første scrappetreff.
    Gleder meg til å se deg der og beundre dine vakre kreasjoner!
    Går fort nå;)
    klem fra

  6. For en flott adventskalender du fikk av Maya, der var det masse goodies....
    Grattis med alle awardene. Du fortjener hver eneste en.
    Ha ei fortsatt flott uke.
    Stor klem fra Kaia

  7. wow what a KAOS!! So lovely and I smile everytime I see them go around the world... hihi :P

    Your blog i fab. I love you style and creativity!! :D


  8. Gratulerer med alle awardene Lena Katrine!!
    Du fortjener de virkelig for du er en herlig inspirasjonskilde:-))
    Og tusen takk for at du vil gi de tilbake til meg:-))

    Klemmer fra Astrid

  9. You are a very lucky girl to have all those goodies! :) You are such a wonderful friend I can see why you were showered with all of them!!! Thanks so much for the award hun...you are so wonderful!
    Hugs~ Kim

  10. Tusen takk for award og bursdagshilsen Lena Katrine! Kjempekoselig!!! (Jeg skal legge den på bloggen når ting blir litt roligere over helga=)

    Klem fra Anne

  11. Tuuuuusen takk for awarden, vennen!
    Snill du er :)

  12. Ååå så mye digg i den kalenderen!!:)) Og gratulerer med Kaos og andre awards! De er deg veldig vel fortjent. Du er en sann stjerne her i kortjungelen;)
    Og tusen takk for awarden, kjempehyggelig oppmuntring:)
    Varme klemmer fra Camilla

  13. Tusen, tusen takk, vennen, så koselig at du tenker på lille meg:O)
    Du får den selvsagt rett i retur:O)
    Yummy kalender innhold, mange timer med kos der;O)
    Ha ei strålende helg.
    Klemmer fra Nancy;O)

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