fredag 4. desember 2009

STM's Christmas Workshop

You can make anything you want, just as long as it's something related to Christmas.

I've made an Advent Calendar for my mum and dad, using the very talented Åshilds's calendar-idea, and some of 3ndy's georgeous Christmas-papers :)

The beautiful papers from 3ndy are called "Pepperkakefest" (Gingerbread-party), and I've used both sides on it.
I've also used some left-over papers with the saying "Merry Christmas" on it, and some Bazzill Craft Cardstock - punched with a Fiskars border punch.
The bottom are made of coasters, punched out with a spellbinders nestie, and dressed with 3ndy-paper.

The "hatches" are made of stars and the gingerbreads, punched out with QK CC's. I've embellished them - along with the borders, with pearls from Kort & Godt, and faux stitching made with a white pen.
On the back of each "hatch", there's fatened a roll of stripped paper, with a quotation on it.
The "hatches are fatened on the candles with handmade headpins.
The ribbon can be bought, along with most of the other supplies I've used, at Unik Hobby.

Thank you for visiting and leaving me sweet comments :)

 ♥ Hugs, Lena Katrine ♥

18 kommentarer:

  1. Åhhh, så läckert!
    pappren är så fina.
    Dom finns med på min önskelista:)
    fint dekorerat som alltid.
    Tack för all inspiration du ger.
    Det värmar gott;)
    kramar Camilla

  2. Åhh. De var knallflotte.
    Og for en god idè, å sette de på fot....
    Ha ei flott helg.
    Klem fra Kaia

  3. Lekkert! Så koselig gave å få:)

    Ha en fin helg!
    Klem Hanne

  4. wonderful christmas candles!
    Hugs Elma

  5. Så utrolig lekkert! Og en morsom ide!!

    Takk for at du deltar!:)

  6. Skikkelig fine var de Lena.
    Goood helg!

  7. Åhhhhh, de er jo bare kjempe lekre *dååån*

    Klem fra Nina

  8. Så koselig julelys pynting Lena Katrine! Herlige farger på arka og så flott gjennomført ;)

    Ha ei flott helg!


  9. Your candles are really georgous, love them

    PS: Thanks for your nice comment.

    Hugs Cornelia

  10. Kjempeflott kalender, nydelig pyntet!!
    Ha en herlig lørdag!
    Klem, Bente

  11. Kjempeflotte !!! Herlige farger du har valgt og nydelig pyntet!

    Ha en fin desember!

  12. Oh my word is that ever adorable! I love what you have created! WOW...I am so in awe over this! AMAZING and STUNNING work Lena! Those gingerbread people are adorable...I need to find that die! Wonderful inspiration darling!
    Big Hugs to you~

  13. Ohhh wowwww Lena,what beautiful.

    Hugs Riet.x

  14. Så utrolig lekre disse ble!
    Og så stilig å snurre papir remsene og legge de bak!!!
    Herlige farger og lekkert pyntet :)
    Vil tro mamma og pappa satte pris på disse!
    Go`klemmer fra meg ;)

  15. I want not acquiesce in on it. I over nice post. Particularly the title attracted me to review the whole story.


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