søndag 29. november 2009

Sketchy Color Challenge #1 & GDT Unik Hobby November #2

Finally the day has come, and we're proudly presenting our 1st Challenge at Sketchy Color ;)
We're starting out with a color challenge, and since today is the first Sunday in Advent, the main color we want you to use is...LILAC/PURPLE :)
Remember - you can make anything you want, just as long as the color lilac/purple is the main color in your project.

For this month, we're so lucky to have Moia Design with us, sponsoring the prices. Some of us in the DT, will also use Moia's stamps on the challenges in November/December.
I'm using my Moia-stamps later on, so I decided to make this project, as a second contribution to Unik Hobby :)
As before, I'm doing some web-shop linking in the text, to where you can buy the supplies I've used.
I came across a great idea in a blog (that I unfortunately dont remember) one night at work, and decided to make a book of gifttags!
Unluckily for me, I'm not a regular user of this color, so I actually did'nt own a single piece of lilac/purple patterned paper.
So I had to make my own: I stamped some snowflakes from Stempelglede with clear Watermark ink on 300 g Aquarellpaper, embossed it with clear UTEE, and sprayed it with a mixture of red and blue Glimmermist. When it was dry, I sprayed it again with Glimermist - Pearl, to make it shimmer a bit more :)
I supplemented it with green and white Bazzill cardstock.

The cute image from Stampavie; Gillian Robert's "Nativity", is stamped on 200 g Aquarellpaper, with Archival Ink - Coffee. I've colored it with Distress Ink Refills - this time in lilac, shaded around it with Distress Ink - Antique Linen, and put some glitter on the halo and wings.
The rest of the stamps are from Stempelglede, and are stamped with Archival Ink - Plum.
The edges on the panels are inked with ColorBox Fluid Chalk - Wisteria and Olive Pastel.
For decoration I've used a MS Snowflake punch, EK Suksess border punch, roses and rosebuds, Prima Mini Gypsos, pearls from Kort & Godt, georgeous silver charms, purple heartshaped pearls, purple and green ribbon, eyelets and silver tread.

The back with my signature stamp.

Insides; made out of white paperbags, dressed with cardstock and home-made patterned paper. The book is sewed together with silver tread.
The snowflakes are sprayed with Glimmermist - Pearl.
Stamped hearts and sentiments from Stempelglede, on ovale Spellbinders dies.

Tags inside the book; The shape is made by using a QK CC dies as a stensile.

Close-up of the lilac cutie-pie :)
Remember to stop by Unik Hobby's web-shop - lots and lots of goodies to be found there!

Now - head over to the Sketchy Color blog; to read more about the challenge and our sponsor, and to take a look at the rest of the DT's georgeous work this week!
You'll have until Saturday at 9 pm to enter the challenge ;)
Thank you for visiting! I wish you all a creative and fun sunday!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

16 kommentarer:

  1. Vid alla heliga kor, människa!VIlket helt fantastiskt projekt! Det är så otroligt vackert!

  2. Helt kjempelekkert, flotte farger og detaljer! Lykke til med ny utfordringsblogg - blir moro å følge med :)
    Klem, Bente

  3. Nok et mesterverk fra deg!!!
    Og jeg som bare så vidt har fått igjen pusten etter den fantastiske julekalenderen.....
    Du er og blir en mester!!!

    Go-klemmer fra Marianne:)

  4. it's wonderful, Lena Katrine, perfect colour combination!
    hugs, Alina

  5. Åhhhhh, så utrolig nydelig ♥♥♥

  6. Gosj!!! Dette var bare så lekkert!!!
    Nydelig gjennomført som alltid.
    klem Anne

  7. Ohhh wowww Lena,what beautiful,i love the images and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  8. Du lager de nydeligste kreasjoner altså! Lekkert!! :)

  9. Hihi, "den swirleplata di" du liksom, for jeg har jo bare en...særlig:)
    De to du ser jeg bruker mest er Flourishes fra KaiserCraft(de har den hos Unik Hobby), og den som heter omtrent det samme tror jeg, fra Autumn Leaves.
    Happy hunting.


  10. Just gorgeous. Love the mauve colours and the idea of the pull-out tags on the inside.

  11. Ååå så søtt!! Virkelig lekkert! Og gratulerer med første kort til utfordringsbloggen deres!! Kjempegøy og spennende! Skal se om jeg også får tid til et kort, men har noen bunker med tentamen å rette også... urk..
    Varme klemmer fra Camilla.

  12. Er så glad for att jeg har sett denne "live" for denne er enda vakrere i virkeligheten!
    Så utrolig stilig idè, lekre detaljer og motivet er vakkert malt!
    Flinka ;)
    Go`klem fra "spammer`n" *fnis*

  13. Så utrolig fint! men hvordan har du fått bindt sammen "albumet"?

  14. did you do your css yourself ?


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