torsdag 30. oktober 2008

A spoon full of sugar Challenge #23

I started making this folding-card at the Ski-gathering, but never got to finish it - before yesterday! And I think i suites this weeks challenge #23 at A spoon full of sugar! I`ve used little pearl-flowers as bling, and the ribbon has a little bit of silvershine! The lovely patterened paper and cut-out-tags, are designed by Lene Solhaug for 3ndypapir. I`ve also used some dusty-blue and really light grey Bazzill cardstock for this card. The images are designed by Gudrun Loennecken for Minnehjørnet. For embellishments, I`ve used some white lace, metal charms and -flowers (and the pearl-flowers) from Kort og Godt, Prima flowers distressed with ColorBox Fluid Chalk - Creamy Brown, a couple of snowflake-fasternes, BossKut - Leaf Flourish, and a cirkel of thickers from American Crafts. The snowflake-stamp is from Norsk Stempelblad AS, and my signature-stamp is from Scrapmagasinet. The blue flowers are punched out with Retro Flower Punch - Medium.
I want to thank Annie for the inspiration on using white ink, to stamp the snowflakes, and Elsi for telling me, that I can use BossKut in my Revolution machine ;o)

9 kommentarer:

  1. Så nydelig dette kortet var!

  2. Utrolig lekkert kort!! Og baksiden er jo like flott som framsiden jo!!:)
    Klem, Camilla.

  3. så nydelig.. helt til å miste pusten av! du er en stor kunstner <3

  4. Hei Lena :)

    Så utrolig lekre kort du lager!! Brettekortene fra Ski, er jo bare så skjønne :) Og dette nye er så lekkert, og like flott på alle sidene!

    Takk for masse inspirasjon!!

    I helga skal jeg på treff igjen, denne gangen er det Papirfest i Stavanger *jippi* Gleder meg kjempemasse!!

    Ha en flott helg!!

    Klem, elsi

  5. Fy filler'n Lena - du er en superinspirator!
    Ha en kjempefin helg

  6. Gorgeous card Thanks for playing along this week, Hugs Debbie x

  7. This is absolutely stunning and what a lovely idea as a gift. Love the colour combo and all the textures. Warm regards

  8. Å mamma mia, noe så nydelig! Fantasisk!!



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