lørdag 31. januar 2009

An inspiration-card made for the Ett trykk-blog!

This is the card behind the sneekpeek! I thought I would post pictures of the whole card, that I made the other day, for the Ett trykk-blog! Still - take a look in the Ett trykk-blog, to find out what the card was ment to be an inspiration for!

fredag 30. januar 2009

My blogcandy is closed!

Earlier this week i passed 10.000 hits at my blog, and I promised you some blogcandy to celebrate! But first I startet the celebration my self, by letting my blog get an 'extreme makeover' - hope you like it!

Now, to my blogcandy! The candy will only be open until monday 09.02.09., and the winner will be announced on friday 13.02.09. The candy is open for everyone - I'll post worldwide! All you have to do, to be within the draw, is 2 things: Link to my candy in your blog, and leave a comment under this post. If you want to put me in your blogroll, I'll be very happy, but I don't demand it! You do have to have a blog on your own, to be able to participate!

My blogcandy contains:
* 2 sheets of Rub-ons from Norsk Stempelblad AS
* 1 pack of Chipboard Letters from MME - Wild Aspargus
* 1 pack of 50 Prima Roses (10x5 colours)
* 1 pack of 50 small white Kaiser Flowers
* 60 cm white Lace from Kort og Godt
* 10 Pearl-Headpins from Panduro
* Some Metal Butterflies and big Framed Brads from Kort og Godt
* Some Metal-Embellies from Unik Hobby
* And a little surprise!

Good luck everyone!

torsdag 29. januar 2009

Åpen leserutfordring i Ett trykk-bloggen!

Stikk innom Ett trykk-bloggen!! Der er det lagt ut informasjon om en åpen leserutfordring, til utgave 02/09 av Ett trykk! Jeg har laget et bidrag, som vi håper vil inspirere dere til å lage masse bidrag til bladet, med temaet nyfødt/barsel! Her er en sneekpeek!

tirsdag 27. januar 2009

Photo Fun Challenge

My sweet friend Desiree gave me this fun photo challenge the other day:

*Open the folder "my pictures".
*In the 6th folder, take the 6th picture and post it on your blog.
*Write something about the picture.
*Challenge 6 new people to join this challenge.
*Put a link in their blog to let them know they are challenged.

This is actually a picture from my 6th folder in vertical order ;o) And lucky for me, the file only contains photos of my sweet 2 year old nephew Benjamin. This picture is taken last summer outside our house. Benjamin spent 5 days alone with us, and we had so much fun, playing in the sandbox, swinging and riding the tricycle!
Is'nt he a real sweetheart?

Who am I going to challenge? Okay, I pick....
Maya, Kirsten, Anita H, Anne, Evy Kristin og Elisabeth.
Good luck sweeties!


My counter has passed 10.000 hits today! Yey! That is so much fun, so in order to celebrate that, I'm going to put up some candy later on! So, stay tuned ;o)

fredag 23. januar 2009

Little things...

My last little things to show, from my creations in the 06/08-issue of 'Ett trykk'.
This is a little box made and embellished by using paper-leftovers.

A little match-box.

And a star! You can find a tutorial on how to make this star in the magazine.

New awards ;o)

Yesterday I got this great artisthic Marie Antoinette Award from the great scrapper Bendichte - Thank you so much, my dear friend!

I have to pass this along to 7 people, who also have to pass it along to 7 people who inspire them. You link to the person who gave you the award and to the people you give it to. I'm passing this award along to my foreign blogfriends, who always inspire me with their work and their nice comments:
Kim, Aija, Pia, Desire, Claudia, Rach and Bev!

I also got the Marie Antoinette, and this one, from Bente today - thank you so much!

I've passed this one once before, so I won't pick any particulare for this award this time.

tirsdag 20. januar 2009


A Christmas-Mosaic-Card and a small tutorial I made for the 06/08-issue of Ett trykk...

mandag 19. januar 2009


Something for a boy!
A folding-card made for the 06/08-issue of Ett trykk

lørdag 17. januar 2009

Masking-Tutorial and a backpack

I made this tutorial of masking with paper, and the backpack, for the latest issue (06.08) of "Ett trykk". Hope you enjoy(ed) it ;o)


ScrappeMania lokker med en flott candy, til de som bl.a sprer ryktet om at de har fått 5 nye fantastisk flinke DT-medlemmer!!

3 (4) Awards 4 me!

The last two weeks have been kind of hectic, with sickness, a DT-gathering and full time working, so there has been no time for blogging!

First of all - thank you so much my great bloggingfriends, who have given me beautiful Awards the last two weeks - it really means a lot to me!

This first award was given to me by Anette - thank you so much sweet girl!
"Disse bloggene er usedvanlig sjarmerende og søte, og formålet er å finne og være venner. De er
ikke opptatt av utmerkselser eller selvhevdelse. Vårt håp er at når båndene på disse utmerkelsene er kuttet vil enda flere vennskap ha forplantet seg. Vær vennlig og gi litt ekstra oppmerksomhet til disse. Gi denne awarden til åtte bloggere som igjen må velge seg nye åtte. Inkluder denne teksten i overskriften på awarden deres".
I've recived this one once before from Inger, but did'nt pass it on to anyone special then, so this time I'll give to:
Evy Kristin
Anita H

This one was given to me by Evy Kristin - thank you sweetie; I look forward to see you at the Ski-gathering!
I'll pass this to:
Ellen Karin
Turid Mari
Lene Åse

And this one was given to me by both Bendichte and Desiree - thank you so much my lovely friends!
I'll pass this to:
Bente (2)
Inger Marie

These are the rules for the last two awards:
1. Put a link on your blog from whom you got it.
2. Give it to 5 new blogs (which in their turn have to give it to 5 new blogs).
3. Put a link on your blog to those blogs you give it to.
4. Give the blogs you give the award to a note that you have given them this award.
5. Write 5 things you are addicted to.

I'm addicted to my crafting-hobby for sure, chocolate, coffee, reading, and blogging!

To all of you, that I've passed these awards to, thank you for all your inspiration and nice words!

torsdag 8. januar 2009

Reverse Masking

A card from the latest issue of 'Ett trykk'

The front of the card

Close-up of the front

One inside of the card

Back of the card

On this card, I've used the technique 'reverse masking'.
I masked the circle, and the coloured around with Distress Ink. Then I moved the mask, stamped the butterfly-image from Inkadinkado with black Archival Ink, and embellished the card with flowers, thickers, brads and a butterfly.

onsdag 7. januar 2009

tirsdag 6. januar 2009


Tusen takk for alle 'god bedring'-hilsnene jeg har fått! Jeg kan vel ikke akkurat si, at formen er oppadgående enda, men den SKAL bli!
Her er en båndsnelle jeg pyntet til desembernummeret av Ett trykk!
Åshild var først ute med en sånn i bloggen sin, og jeg syntes det var en så morsom form for gjenbruk, at jeg måtte 'lifte' den!

mandag 5. januar 2009

After Eight - eske

Formen tillater ikke å lage nye prosjekter - jeg har feber, hoster, snørrer og nyser, og jeg orker ikke å være oppe mer enn i korte øyeblikk om gangen - så her er en After Eight-eske jeg laget til desembernummeret av Ett Trykk.